Montag, 13. März 2017

Getting ready for the EF discovery tour!

Sooo I think the last time I posted was after Seattle so that's like 2 weeks ago, I don't really remember and I'm soo sorry  I'm not posting that often anymore but there's just a lot going on lately or not and I don't want the posts to be boring.
So I has school... And no high school gymnastics anymore... which felt kinda good because I could take after school naps! And track is starting tomorrow!
So yeah that was basically it but the weekend after Seattle, Lieke, my friend from welcome days living in Orthello came to visit me again! We went to the Mall, Rollerblading and we made Pasta and garlic bread for dinner and this Oreo truffel thing, which was amazing!!!*.* And we went to Breakfast at IHop!:) SO it was basically a lot of eating that weekend. So I decided to start this new smoothie diet thing... ANd I did good!!! For like 2 days...:D And wednesday I went to the gym after school with Smilla and Henni! Get that workout done you know!
And Tuesday was Valentines Day!!! Uh and that cute pants I was wearing that day... They ripped in the Gym when I was picking up my shorts from the floor because they fell!!!-.- I'm sooo mad!!!!!!! They were so cute!:( and cheap...:D
On wednesday I went to youthgroup! And it was fun!:) I wanna go again  if I have time. Also we went to Target on Friday and my host mom fell down the stairs that morning!:o but she's okay!
And then Saturday was the first Cheatday of my diet because I went to this EF meeting at the ice palace (Ice skating) And a pizza party and pizza isthe best so I ain't say no to that. Then I went to the mall bought some stuff and my host mom fell again in the bathroom... She's having bad luck rn i guess:/ But she's good!:D
And today I got up in the morning and I wanted breakfast. So I went to the bathroom to take my braces out and then my stomach started hurting really bad and I saw black and I fell. That was not fun. And it was scary because it never happened to me before. And idk why. So I really felt awful . But now I'm better! SO I'm not sick or something. It's just the bathroom that looks bad because I took everything down with me:D Then I went back to bed, had a headache and stomachache but yeah like I said I'm good now! Then we watched Star wars, I facetimed Linnea my german friend and now I should do homework and my presentation:)
And I had a meet in Coeur D'Alene on Thursday! ANd I facetimed my parents on friday and I'm excited because they're coming next month!!!!*.*
That's all


And this jumper is soooo cute! I want it before the Grand Canyon!!!!
It's carneval in Getmany rn that's why my dad is wearing this hat lol😂
These jeans!😭😭😭



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